Friday, October 2, 2009

I made it

I´m in Barcelona! It´s been a long day and a half of travel, but I´m here in one piece. Both of my flights actually landed ahead of schedule. I´m very tired, but I don´t know if that´s jet lag or just lack of sleep in general. I didn´t really want to sleep on the plane to London because I was trying not to totally throw my sleep cycle off. But all of the excitement has been exhausting - as soon as I was settled in my seat, I was out like a light and only woke up when my ears popped during takeoff. Sleeping at Heathrow was fitful because it was FREEZING at the airport. There were a few other sleepers in the same area as me and they were wrapped in trash bags to help ward off the cold (yes, really!). And to the person who was obsessed with me taking socks along (waves hi to Laura), thanks because otherwise I might not have toes right now. :-)

I got off the bus at Plaça de Catalunya and had no idea which direction to head, so I figured I´d just start walking and try to get a feel for things. I must´ve walked in a circle because at one point I said out loud to myself "oh, I know where I am now." Which made me just laugh because, really Shannon? No, you have no better idea where you are now than you did an hour ago when you were at that same spot. Look, I´ve only been here for just over 4 hours and I´m already talking to/laughing at myself.

Nothing else really to report so far. I´m kinda taking it easy and plopping down in cafès and parks. The weather is beautiful so hopefully soaking up some sun will help with the jet lag. I haven´t taken any pictures here yet. I have my full pack with me and I don´t want to mess with my camera. But I´m already eyeing up things that I´d like to shoot tomorrow. I meet up with my host in a few hours and the first thing on my agenda will be a shower and change of clothes. Beyond that I´m not sure.

Also not sure if any of this is coherent at all, but I´m blaming it on exhaustion. I´m aiming for more coherence next time.


  1. Aw, knowing my socks are helping you save your toes gives me all kinds of warm fuzzies!

  2. First, thanks to Laura for thinking ahead and keeping my little girls toes toasty! :-)

    I'm so glad you have arrived at your first destination safely and look forward to many more posts about your adventure,



  3. Looking forward to following you on this adventure.TGFS.Love

  4. Good for you - sounds as though you're having fun already. Don't know about the host thing; maybe you'll provide some feedback in a day or two.

  5. Honey I'm so freakin excited I can't even tell you. I got all the SPOT updates and had a grand time trying to read the Spanish Google Maps that the link took me to. It looks absolutely gorgeous from the air. I didn't look ahead of time and discovered today how close to the Mediterranean you are. Fantastic.

    I'm glad you're safe and can't wait to hear more.

  6. Thanks everyone for all of your comments so far. This morning has been hectic and had me running back and forth for a bit, but I´ll have to talk about that in a later post - I´m down to seis minutos de ciber tiempo. But I found (many) other (cheaper) internet cafès, so no worries.
