Monday, November 30, 2009
It's official!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Everything's bigger

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Eid

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Coolest. Mall. Ever.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
I nearly lost a contact lens in the Arab Gulf
Then we headed to the beach where we met up with Tamr and Angelica (who commented that she hadn't been to the beach in about seven or eight months because it's just too hot for the beach during most of the year). The day was perfect. The air temp was about 28C, water temp about 25C, and just enough of a breeze to keep it from getting too hot. We all got into the water right away and it happened almost immediately that I nearly lost my contact lens. Now, I've worn contacts for 15 years and have gone to the beach and swimming pools throughout this time, so this was a pretty unusual occurrence. Luckily, I caught the lens as it popped out of my eye, made my way back to the beach (holding the lens between my thumb and finger above the water), and put the lens back in. My eye and I can now officially attest to the salty-ness of the Arab Gulf!
By 8pm we were all at the restaurant and ready to eat (yes, even me lol). The restaurant was a place called The Rotisserie and it was at the Arabian Court. The Arabian Court is part of a huge complex that is now a hotel. As it was told to me, within the last 10 years or so, a very rich businessman built this palace for a woman that he was in love with. Ultimately the relationship didn't work out (did she die? I can't remember) and the palace was given to the hotel. As you can probably imagine, this place was incredibly beautiful and amazing looking. The Arabian Court is only one of four courtyards and each courtyard supposedly looks completely different.
Dinner was another buffet meal and again there's a huge variety of food to choose from: various traditional salads, fruits, cheeses, seafood, duck, veggies, quiche, beef, you-name-it-they-probably-had-it. I know it sounds like the exact same foods that we had at brunch, but they were completely differently prepared. You'll just have to take my word for it. :-) It was very good, but again I ate til I nearly burst. And it wasn't just the food that was good. The company was equally as good. We talked about all kinds of things and the laughs were plentiful.
Today is the last day of the weekend and I'm not sure what's on the agenda. More beach time perhaps? And I'd like to get a pedicure, so that's a possibility. Just a lazy weekend in Dubai, but I'm digging it so far.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Did you ever get/use the Flushette thingy? Please forgive me if this question is too personal. Nope, didn't get it (and it's actually called a Freshette), but so far I haven't really needed it because I've only seen western toilets. It may be a whole other story when I actually get to SE Asia.
Which do you like more the “couchsurfing” thing or staying in Hostels? I mean aside from the cost issue. CSing and hosteling both have their pluses and minues, but I like CSing better. With hostels you only meet other travelers, but with CSing you meet locals who actually live in the place you're visiting.
How are the “Ex Officio” undies working out for ya? LOL! Sorry, I had to ask! The Ex Officio undies are working fabulously, thanks for asking! They are super quick drying which is a life saver when you're washing them in a sink.
Oh, not a question, but a word of warning from my Army days….Drink lots of water while you’re on the Doxy! My unit’s medics said it can play hell on your liver if you don’t flush your system out! I know about this because I went to Honduras, but I think I told you this already? Thanks for the Doxy advice, I will be sure to load up on H2O. One of my hosts in Barcelona told me that he stopped taking his malaria pills because it gave him horrible nightmares. . .and then he got malaria and almost died. So. I'll take the pills AND drink water and maybe the water will lessen all of the side effects.
Ok, so I’m interested in the Hibiscus flower and 7-Up drink! Tell me more. I’ve also heard that Chrysanthemum tea was great, too! I don't think there's really much more to tell about the hibiscus flower and 7Up drink. It was cold, a very dark purple color, ever so slightly carbonated, and tasted pretty sweet, like a mix of different berries. Chrysanthemum tea is good, I've had it before and it's also pretty sweet.
Are you planning to do another one of those “By the Numbers” posts soon? That was pretty telling for me. I probably will do another by the numbers post, but probably not for a few weeks or so when I have some more stats compiled.
One think I was kind of unclear on: the Cemberlitas Hamam – the Turkish bath. Did you get to do it or not? I read where you got there 30 min before it closed and that they did not take your credit card, but you described the belly rock and bath pools with greater detail than someone who just read about them on the advertisements. Yes, I did go to the Turkish bath. The first one wouldn't take a credit card, the second was the Cemberlitas Hamam (the one I went to).
Alright, so now's your chance to ask your questions. Got any? Let me know in the comments and I'll answer in an upcoming post.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Egypt: A public service announcement for Americans
So what was my experience? I am not exaggerating at all when I say that Egypt has some of the warmest, friendliest, most generous, selfless, and nicest people I've ever met. At every turn, people went above and beyond the call of duty for me and I'm not just talking about people who were friends of friends; I'm also talking about complete strangers (and, let's face it, even the friends of friends were strangers to me who didn't have to help me).

I also mentioned before that there were two things that happened on my last day that I needed to expound upon. First thing: On the plane to Cairo from Sharm I was talking to my seatmate, Tarek, about work and travels and such, and I said that I hadn't yet arranged for my transportation from Cairo to Alex even though I needed to be there that same day. Tarek said that once we landed, he'd have his driver drop us off at Starbucks for coffee and then send him to the train station to check the schedule and buy my ticket for me. There was a lot of traffic, more than usual, in Cairo that day because of the soccer match that was being played. (Have you seen my video of the aftermath?) Tarek couldn't wait with me for the driver to get back, so he said goodbye and was off. The driver eventually arrived and took me to the station. I asked him how much the cab ride was and, in very broken English, he told me that Tarek had taken care of it. Are you sure? Yes, he was sure. Then I tried to pay him for my train ticket (50 Egyptian pounds) and he indicated that had been paid for, too. I thought maybe he didn't understand so I showed the ticket to him. But no, Tarek had paid for that, as well. The driver wouldn't even allow me to give him a tip because all of it was to be taken care of, I suppose.
Second thing: Islam was the friend of a friend who was to pick me up from the train station in Alexandria. He didn't find out until 9am on Saturday that I was arriving at 8:30pm that night, yet he was there waiting for me (for an extra half-hour, even, as the train was late). We only had a few hours til I had to be at the airport for my flight, so we drove around Alex for a whirlwind tour. Islam showed me all kinds of things and made it better with his narration and stories. We went out for dinner (I was told I HAD to eat seafood while in Alex) and whole fish, calamari, and various salads were ordered. The bill came and Islam refused to let me pay, even though he didn't even eat since he's on a diet. ("Don't you know that women don't pay in Egypt?" "Well, I was starting to get that impression, yes, but you didn't even eat anything!" "It doesn't matter. I'm paying.") We got to the airport and by this time it was about 1am. Islam waited with me and we chatted some more because he didn't want me to be alone for too long waiting for the plane.
These are just two examples of scenarios where people went above and beyond for me, expecting absolutely nothing in return. So the public service announcement that is the point of this whole post: if you are a person who has stereotypes in mind of what Egyptians specifically, or Arabs in general, are all about - rethink them. The hospitality and kindness I experienced was at a level I'd never experienced before. To all of my new Egyptian friends: thank you from the bottom of my heart for an amazing time. I hope to meet each of you again in the future.
Monday, November 16, 2009
The next Andrew Zimmern*?
Barcelona: Nothing really weird, actually. I had rabbit one night that was delicious, but lots of people eat rabbit, even in the States, I think. Other than that, the food I ate was pretty "normal": lots of cheese and meat, bread and wine.
Prague: Still nothing particularly weird, although I had foods prepared in ways I hadn't had them prepared before. The traditional food I ate included ghoulash and roasted pork with bacon dumplings (Laura, are you reading this?? Bacon! In dumplings! Bacon makes everything taste better!). As you can probably tell, I liked this food, too.
Athens: Most people are fairly familiar with Mediterranean foods - olives, olive oil, feta cheese, seafood, that kind of thing. I ate a lot of souvlaki in Athens (it's quick, very cheap, you can eat it on the go, and it's perfect after a night out drinking), but it's not what I thought souvlaki was. Souvlaki starts with meat (chicken, pork, or beef) that is carved off of a spit and put into pita. Added to that is lettuce, tomato, onions, and 4 or 5 french fries, and it's all topped with tzatsiki and wrapped up. Speaking of tzatsiki, I don't know about the kinds you've ever tried, but Greek tzatsiki is totally different from what I've had at home. The taste is essentially the same but with 10 times the garlic and it's thick like a dip, not thin like a sauce.
The other foods of note in Athens are actually drinks. Greek coffee is actually what most people would probably know as Turkish coffee. It's thick, half of the already small cup is full of coffee grounds, and it's very strong. Not really my cup of tea (or coffee, as the case may be). Then there's raki which is made from the must of wine grapes and has 37% alcohol. It's served warm in shot glasses and is sweetened with a touch of honey. It's very good and goes down WAY too easily. :-) Also, I don't know why, but none of the wine I had in Athens was drinkable at all. It was more like grape juice than wine, but maybe it was just poor selection on my part.
Istanbul: This is where things started getting a little more unusual. I wrote about some of the foods I tried here, but nothing I've already mentioned was particularly weird. First up is kokorec, a sandwich made of chopped and seasoned intestines. The first opportunity I had to try this dish, I turned down. The second time, I figured I had to try it, but I was really nervous about it. As it turns out, it was very, very good and ended up being one of the things I ate in Istanbul over and over again. Next up was a raw beef dish that I was still nervous about trying, but I figured I already ate intestines, so why not? It is mixed with spices and grains and I don't know how else to describe it, but it also was good. It wasn't my favorite dish, but I'd eat it again without hesitation. Then there's gozleme which is best described as Turkish quesadillas, nothing too strange there.
There were two drinks I had in Istanbul that were definitely not my thing and yet I drank them over and over again trying to figure out what the appeal was. Aryan is a yogurt drink that's very popular. There's also a fermented black carrot and beet juice that I only ever saw the one time my host and I tried it. Both of these drinks are quite salty which was very unusual for me. I mean, don't you drink to quench thirst and not make yourself even thirstier?
Cairo: A few more unusual foods here, too, some of which I've already talked about. Additionally, I've now tried three kinds of shawerma, a sandwich with chopped and seasoned meats - beef, liver (cow), and chicken. All were very good, but the liver was actually my favorite. Foul (pronounced like fool) is made from beans, but they don't taste like any other bean I've had before. It's usually served with falafel which I love. Kocharay (not at all sure about the spelling) is probably what you'd make if you were trying to get rid of leftovers. It has rice, a couple different kinds of noodles, beans, veggies, and some sort of meat all tossed together. When you eat it, you can decide how much lemon water and super spicy sauce to add in. Also, salads in Cairo are probably not what you'd consider a salad. No leafy greens or tomatoes in sight! The salads are served with pita as an appetizer and are more dip-like than anything else. A couple I tried were made from beans, one from potatoes, and a couple from cheese (one of the cheese ones was made from "old" cheese - it was very salty; again, not my favorite, but not horrible).
Then there's shisha. Not a food, but it is consumed, so I'm including it here. Shisha is tobacco that's smoked from a water pipe. In addition to the regular, non-flavored varieties, you can also choose from mint, lemon, mango-apple, peach, strawberry, orange-mint, and pineapple (among others).
I told my father that if I kept eating the way I was eating, I was going to come home as big as a house. He said he couldn't believe that someone could get fat eating intestines and raw beef because he would just as soon starve than eat those things. :-)
So what does everyone think? Is anything included here truly weird? Would you try or have you already tried any of these foods?
*For those who don't know, Andrew Zimmern hosts a tv show called Bizarre Foods in which he travels around the world eating (in my opinion) far stranger foods than what I've tried so far.
Modern city meets the desert
So I don't know what exactly prompted my decision to skip my other plans in Egypt. Luxor and Aswan were starting to look more expensive than what my budget could handle because those are places that are really a lot easier to do with a tour (there's too much to see and it's too spread out to really do on your own). Even after talking to Kharboush, my travel agent friend of a friend, it was going to be about $100/day, not including site entrance fees. The most expensive entrance fees are only about $12 USD, but those add up, too, if you see 4 or 5 sites a day.
As an aside, regarding my budget for those of you who may be wondering: My budget varies depending on the city I'm in since some places are more expensive than others. My daily budget for most of Europe was about 36 euros, or 54 dollars. This, I have to say, is ridiculously low for Europe. Most of the other longer term travelers I met were spending double this and people who were just on a short term trip were spending about 100 euros per day. But, honestly, there have been a lot of days I spent less than budgeted so it's been working for me. When you're working with a budget like this, you have to pick and choose a bit. Are you more interested in sight seeing or is nightlife more important? I also briefly considered a safari in Kenya, but that was even more of a budget buster than Luxor and Aswan.
So. I weighed my options and decided to move on. It was indeed a very last minute change of plans as I booked the ticket to Dubai on Friday night for Saturday night/Sunday morning at 2:35a (my flight back to Cairo had already been booked). I left Sharm on Saturday for my short flight to Cairo. I spent a couple of hours in Cairo trying to decide between a bus or a train to Alexandria, and then deciding when I'd leave. The train to Alexandria was about 3 hours and when I arrived, I met up with Islam (another friend of a friend who met me at the station) for a whirlwind night time tour of Alex. Then it was to the airport for the flight (which somehow managed to leave a half hour early!) and I arrived in Dubai at 7:15am on Sunday.
I really need to talk more about two experiences I had on my last day of Egypt, but I'm going to save them for another post on my overall impressions of my first trip to an Arab country. Hint: It may (or may not) be what you'd expect, depending on your perspective. :-)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Snorkeling in the Red Sea
You guys, it was beautiful there. The beach is kind of on a cliff, so you walk down stairs and there are different levels of beach you can choose from. All around you you see thatched umbrellas and desert right up next to sea and boats and shimmering water.
After a couple of technical difficulties in which I figured out how the mask worked and everything, I was good to go. At this particular beach, you walk down this long pier, down some steps that put you right into the (still warm in November) water, and you're surrounded by reef. It was a bit disconcerting at first how you could hear yourself breath, but eventually I got used to it and it even is sort of meditative. I saw huge sea urchins, anemones, clownfish, and all kinds of fish that I don't even know the names of. After awhile I drifted towards the edge of the reef. Whoa. Did I ever tell anyone that I'm really sort of (irrationally) scared of deep/dark water? Yah, that fear came flooding back when I got to the edge of the reef. For a second I thought it was really kind of cool how far down you could see and how the color of the water changed. But. Then I got a little panicky and decided to get the hell out of dodge and back to the pier before I lost it. This is one of those things that I think I could overcome if I did it often enough, but for my first time ever snorkeling, I figured I'd pushed myself far enough.
The three of us were hungry by then so we ate pizza at the restaurant there at the beach. (Add to my list of new foods tried: anchovies on pizza. Verdict: actually good!) The sun was setting and I got this shot:
A day of traveling got me to. . .
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Walk like an Egyptian
Me to the driver - Royal Plaza hotel in Naama Bay. Bekam da? (How much?)
Driver - 100 (Egyptian pounds)
Me - What? That sounds high. How far away is the hotel and how long exactly will it take to get there.
Driver - 15 km. 100
Me - It didn't even cost that much to drive from 6th of October to the Cairo airport and that trip took more than an hour!
(At this point, I'm already in the cab and we're driving away)
Driver - Sharm is more expensive than Cairo.
(I decided to call someone who would know better than me what this trip should cost. Luckily, he picked up right away.)
Me - Amiri, how much is a cab from the Sharm airport to the hotel?
Amiri - 20 pounds
Me - Yah, that's what I thought. I knew this driver was trying to scam me. He told me 100!
Amiri - What?! Tell him to go eff himself! It shouldn't be that much and he's only giving you that rate because you're a foreigner.
(Meanwhile, the driver is listening to my phone conversation and pulls a u-turn to go back to the airport.) (And I didn't, for sure, tell him what Amiri told me to tell him!)
Long story longer, I got a new driver who wanted to charge me 50 and I told him 30. He kept trying to negotiate it and I finally told him that I knew the going rate was 20 and I was going to give him 30, so just drive me to the damn hotel already!
* * * * *
Sharm is a LOT different than Cairo. For one thing, there's not nearly as many people here and it's filled with tourists. But it's still Egypt and still an Arab country through and through. After only five days here, I'm realizing that I'm picking up on a lot of the culture pretty quickly.
Regarding the title, people here don't really cross streets at an intersection when they have the right of way. They just cross when they feel like it. This amazed me the first time I saw it and I wondered why people weren't getting killed, but now I do it, too. You have to, otherwise you'd be waiting to cross forever. My trick, though, is to always try to cross at the narrowest part of the road and, if that's not possible, surround myself with Egyptians and cross when they do!
I'm also really good at the Egyptian 'no' which is kind of a tsking sound. It comes in handy when people are trying to sell things to you or get you into their store or restaurant. It's kind of like they respect you more if you tsk than if you just say no or shake your head.
Also, things are less conservative here than in Cairo, but I still felt really naked when I stepped out of my hotel room wearing a t-shirt and shorts. It had been a long time since I showed that much skin - showing a lot of skin just isn't done in Cairo (in Sharm, with all of the tourists, it's not a problem).
* * * * *
My vacation from my vacation is going swimmingly, though. I went to the pool yesterday after I arrived and then showered and went out. I had dinner and a shisha and then went to a club. Today I slept in a bit and then headed to the beach. It is warm and sunny here, such a nice change from all the cool, rainy weather I'd been seeing. Tonight I'm meeting up with friend of a friend, Kharboush, and some of his friends and we're going bowling. I haven't done that in ages! So, all around I'm just relaxing and taking it easy. It's a nice change of pace for the next few days before I'm back to all of the sightseeing.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Sharm El Sheikh
For now, I'm off to the pool with a book. It's time for a vacation from my vacation! :-)
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Did you know they had pyramids here?
So I'm at the pyramids and of course a guy wants to get me to either a) buy a ticket to see the inside of the pyramid (I'd heard it wasn't worth it because there's nothing to actually see), or b) agree to a ride on a camel or horse. I told him I didn't have any money and I wasn't interested anyway and he told me to at least sit on the camel for a picture (using my camera). Ok, so I did that, but then he wanted me to give him money anyway for taking the picture! Uh, no. Moving on. . .
There are actually nine pyramids here, not just the Great one and the two others that most people are familiar with. Besides going into the pyramid where you can't really see anything, you can also go into the trap doors where you can see stuff. Check Flickr for pictures as my connection seems to be incredibly slow and nothing is uploading very fast. I'll try to add a couple to the actual post later.
I didn't hang out in Giza too terribly long because Dina was waiting for me and had Nadim with her in the car. Right about the time I decided I was ready to leave was also the time I decided I'd had enough wind in the desert (see above: sand in eyes). She popped me into a bus headed downtown so that she could put Nadim down for a nap. That was. . .an experience for sure. No one on the bus really spoke English and I didn't really know where I was going or when I was getting off, so it was interesting. (Plus, driving is different here in a big way. I'll have to talk about that more later.)
I did eventually make my way to the Egyptian Museum. It's a lot bigger than the Acropolis Museum in Athens and I easily spent 2 1/2 hours or so there. I don't think I even saw everything there was to see. I think perhaps the coolest part of the museum was the animal mummy room. You do know that it wasn't just humans who were mummified, don't you? I had heard this before, but I didn't realize there were different levels of animal mummification ranging from food (so a person would have something to eat in the afterlife) to pet to honorific (which isn't the right word, but it was when animals were mummified because it was believed that a god had manifested itself in that animal). There were mummified cats, dogs, shrews, baboons, birds, snakes, even a crocodile. Walking through the museum and thinking about how a lot of the antiquities were between five and seven thousand years old. . .just amazing.
I had some time to waste after the museum before meeting up with Gaafar, a friend of a friend, so I decided to go ahead and book my trip to Sharm El Sheikh. I'll be leaving by plane on Tuesday of this week and returning on Saturday. Sharm is a beach town and I was thinking that with all of the go go go (and rain!) that I've been having, that a few days to chill and do nothng might be just the ticket. I'll also check out the nightlife and may even go snorkeling or for a dive, but it will be mostly low-key - me and a book on the beach!
Anyway, then I met up with Gaafar and we went to Khan El Khalili, Cairo's bazaar. It's not as big as the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul, but it's more interesting because the shops tend to have a wider selection (instead of all the same stuff like in GB). Gaafar had talked about maybe meeting up with a friend for dinner, but the friend bailed so I invited myself along. :-) I told him that I was up for anything as long as it was traditional Egyptian food.
At the restaurant, Gaafar was trying to be really sensitive to what I may or may not like, but I told him that after what I ate (and liked!) in Istanbul, I would seriously try anything, no worries at all. (Which reminds me - I have a food of Istanbul post planned, that I really need to get posted while it's all still fresh. Keep and eye out for it and someone remind me if you don't see it by the end of the week.) None of the food that we tried was particularly weird or anything, but some of it isn't very common in the US. We started with pickles, but in Cairo pickles means any vegetable that's been pickled. In our case it was cucumbers, onions, something purple that I forgot to ask about, and lemon (also known as preserved lemons). They were all pretty tasty, even if they were a tad too salty. Next was smoked herring and more pickled onions eaten as a sandwich on pita bread. The smoked herring actually tasted a bit like smoked salmon which I wouldn't have guessed (I also wouldn't have guessed that I'd like the way a smoked fish and onion sandwich tasted, but there you have it). Gaafar said he doesn't like either of these two things very much individually, but that he really likes them together. There were chicken livers; they can also be eaten as a sandwich with onions. I tried them plain and in sandwich form and I gotta say - the texture is a little weird, but these were also better than I expected. We had a rice dish that had hazelnuts, raisins, and maybe a bit of liver of some sort, and an orzo dish that had beef in it, but it's kind of hard to describe. I told Gaafar it was kind of like jambalaya, but that didn't mean a whole lot to him lol. What else? A soup that had spinach and (lots of) garlic. And a drink made from hibiscus flowers and a splash of 7Up. Everything was very good. This whole try-everything-because-you-never-know-you-might-just-like-it thing is working out well for me so far!
I have no real plan for tomorrow yet. I might reach out to some CSers, local and foreigners, and see if anyone wants to hang out.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
No sightseeing yet
Today we slept in and then hung out for awhile before heading to a late lunch. It was actually a business meeting and I tagged along because I don't know Arabic so it didn't really matter that I was there. Later on I met up with Mohamed's sister, Dina, who I'll be staying with for the next few days. She has a two year old son named Nadeem and he's an absolute cutie. When I met him he was shy for about half a second til I crouched down to say hi and he ran over to me, gave me a hug, and proceeded to not let go of my hand for a half hour or so. My heart just about melted since he's the same age as my nephew, Joey. By the way, Nadeem doesn't speak English so the conversations he and I have are pretty interesting. I think he'll end up teaching me a few words of Arabic before all is said and done.
I sort of have a plan for my next few days. I plan to officially check out Cairo over the next couple of days. Some real sight-seeing, complete with pictures. On Tuesday I will probably fly to Sharm el Sheikh which is on the Red Sea and soak up some much needed rays. Maybe my bathing suit will even see some action! From there. . .well, my plans have changed so much already, so it's hard to say, but I think I'll probably stick around for a little while and see what I can see.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The Blue Mosque and Hagia Sofia and a Turkish Bath. Oh my!
I was apparently all about being a tourist and doing all tourist stuff yesterday. The Blue Mosque was amazing. For me it was about 10 times better than La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. My pictures will totally not do it justice at all, but:

Then I headed to Hagia Sofia, right across the street. The Hagia Sofia is a cathedral that was constructed sometime around 532 A.D. and converted into a mosque when the Ottoman Turks conquered Istanbul (then Constantinople) in 1453. Again, my picture doesn't do it justice, but this is my favorite shot because it gives an idea of the size. And I like all of the columns and arches.

The bath was quite the experience. Women and men have their own sections. When you arrive you're shown to a locker to change and lock up your stuff. You walk (in a towel and flip flops) down to the massage room and are told to lay anywhere you can find a spot on the belly stone. (It's a hot slab of marble in the center of the room.) For someone who's never done this before, it's a bit of a shocking scene. Women everywhere are walking around naked from the waist up, wearing only underwear and flops. Wild. So you lay on the stone for awhile and it's kind of like being in a sauna. When it's your turn for a massage, you move to the edge of the stone. Cool water is poured over you and then you are soaped up and scrubbed. This lasts for about 15 minutes and then you're rinsed off and your hair is shampooed. From here, you have your choice of two pools, one at 38 C and the other 36 C. You can go back and forth from the belly stone to the pools as much as you want. When you're finished, you get a fresh towel (because you've been walking around without one all this time) and then head to your locker to change. It was strange, but you got used to the nakedness after awhile, and it really was very relaxing.
After my day of being a tourist, I met up with CSers for the Istanbul weekly meeting and rabble-rousing. I wanted it to be a late night because tonight can't be; I have to leave the house tomorrow morning at 8:30am to make my flight since I'm taking public transportation. I was successful in my mission! I stayed out until 4am or so and slept in til 11:30am. Today was SUNNY! For the first time since I got here. I went to the Spice Bazaar as that was the last thing I really wanted to see before I left.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
In the begınnıng, was there a plan?
Where's all thıs leadıng? To an ıtınerary change, of course. :-) I was certaın that I was headıng to Bangkok from Istanbul, but wouldn't you know ıt? I ended up bookıng a flıght to Caıro, Egypt ınstead. No real partıcular reason except that the flıghts to Bangkok were a lıttle hıgher than I wanted to pay. Besıdes, Egypt was on my orıgınal lıst, so why not? (I'm stıll goıng to Bangkok, btw, just a lıttle later than I thought.)
When I decıded on Egypt, I got ın touch wıth Mohamed, the Egyptıan couchsurfıng frıend that I met ın Athens. He started rıght away gettıng ın touch wıth hıs frıends and famıly ın Caıro and I now have the names and phone numbers of people who wıll be takıng care of me whıle I'm there.
I leave Istanbul on Frıday at 12:30pm local tıme. I thınk my tıme travelıng to number of ıtınerary changes mıght be staggerıng. Some math genıus out there can fıgure ıt out.
Monday, November 2, 2009
More on Istanbul
Let's start with the sights. I mentioned to ToadMama that I must be shopping deprived because everywhere I looked I saw something I wanted to buy. Shops have colorful scarves, beads, and ceramics. The clothing, bags, and shoes in the shops are different from anything I've seen so far. I kept seeing things and imagining who I'd buy it for, if I were headed home from here instead of on to my next destination. I haven't bought anything for myself yet, no souvenirs or anything, so I may just treat myself and get something pretty! On the other hand, a lot of what I saw had 'Made in Thailand' tags, so I may just wait to get it there where it will probably be cheaper.
Next up, the smells. Yummy smells abound in Istanbul. It's no wonder it seems that Turkish people are always eating something - it just smells too good to ignore. You can buy things like kebab and other on-the-go items like roasted ears of corn and roasted chestnuts. But people are all about cooking at home, too, as evidenced by the markets. You can find all kinds of colorful produce, nuts, olives, and meat. One section of a market that I was in had loads of the most amazing looking silvery fish that I really wish I'd gotten a picture of. People pop into the markets or various produce stands to get a few things they want for dinner that night and then head home to cook. Speaking of home cooked meals, Mehmet has cooked a few traditional Turkish dishes for me that were delicious. One was a spinach dish that had been chopped and seasoned (but I couldn't tell you what all was in it). Another was a celery root dish that has onions, garlic, lemon, celery root (when cooked, kind of has the consistency of a cooked potato), and celery stalk. Generally both of these dishes are cooked a day ahead of time and served cold the next day. Yet another was chicken that had been chopped up in the food processor with spices and sauted. Mehmet also made a dessert that I got to help with - baked quince with clotted cream. SO good (and I'm not just saying that because I peeled the quince!). It was also suggested that I try salep, a traditional Turkish drink. The link gives the history of the drink, but what I can tell you is that it's milk based, served hot, and sprinkled with cinnamon. It's quite good, even if the consistency of it is a little offputting at first.
What else? That should fill in some of the blanks of Istanbul, but what do you want to know?
I'm not in America anymore
Barcelona edition:
- People are eating dinner and/or getting ready to go out at 11pm on a Wednesday night.
- There are no SUVs here! The biggest vehicle I remember seeing was a Jeep.
- I saw someone texting as they were driving a scooter. (Not that this couldn't happen in America, it probably does, but the traffic in Barcelona is a bit more chaotic.)
Prague edition:
- Beer and wine are often cheaper than soda. Not sure why, but guess which one I was drinking? :-)
- Sidewalks are never plain concrete. They are always decorative in some way. (This was true in Barcelona, too. In every city I've been in so far, actually.)
Athens edition:
- People can and do smoke everywhere - bars, restaurants, airports - no where was off limits it seemed.
- Scooters and motorcycles have no particular driving lane. They can and do drive between cars and wherever else they want. It's common practice for scooters to pull up to the head of the line in traffic, often sitting right under the traffic light so that drivers have to turn their head to the side to see when they have the green. (I asked Evangelos about this because I told him this wasn't legal in the US and he asked what the point of having a motorbike was then, if not to manuever more easily in traffic.)
- Stray dogs! They're everywhere. The government tags and leashes them to show that they've been vaccinated against rabies and people often feed them and take care of them. It's like they are the public's pets. There are stray cats, too, but they're not liked as much.
- Beggars appear to always be diseased, disabled, or deformed in some way.
- You have to flip a switch to turn on the hot water and then wait about 10 minutes before taking a shower.
- Worry/stress beads. Greek men (and only the men) have beads that kind of look like rosary beads that they play with. It was described to me as just something that men do. I have no idea why it's limited to men.
Istanbul edition:
- I walked into a restaurant that essentially had a home kitchen, complete with 2 resident cats.
- Everyone walks in the streets instead of the sidewalk because the sidewalks are often very narrow and/or crooked. Cars give a little honk and people move to the side.
- Toilet paper doesn't go in the toilets. There are special tp trash cans situated next to the toilet for paper disposal. (Also true in Athens.)
- Stray cats! Same as Athens above except in Turkey they like the cats more than the dogs.
I'm sure there are plenty of other examples that I'm forgetting. I also have a few examples that are, uh, too-racy-for-general-public-consumption that I can share if you're interested.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Catchıng up: Istanbul